
Welcome to the monster house, which is tended by me, mom of 4, student, baker, crafter, laundry queen, maid, taxi driver, referee, lego wrangler, glue keeper, master of the mop, fixer of all that is broken, and the list goes on......

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

De Ja Vu

I know I have been gone for a while, but when you decide to go back to school, keep a full time job, and have 4 kids, life is a little complicated. I am just starting to get into the swing of managing it all soooooo I am back. I dont know how much crafting will be going on but we'll see.

I'd like to start my return with my thrifty find of the week.

Eames House of Cards...yeahhh babbby...All there and in excellent condition, and did you catch that price...thats 1.99. I am happy.

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